Papers and Lectures
Academic Papers and Seminars
a) Invited
- Runesson, Anders. “Within Judaism or Within Canon – Is that the Question? Dislocating the historical in the Theological and Vice Versa.” Paper given at the international Enoch Seminar Within Judaism? Within Second Temple Judaism? Is the New Testament a corpus of “Jewish” texts? January 7–9, 2025. (Online.)
- Runesson, Anders. Erlangen conference on Judaism/Christianity, April 9–11, 2025.
- Runesson, Anders. SBL San Diego November 2024. Review session on Alan Culpepper’s Matthew Commentary.
- Runesson, Anders. “Antijødisk polemikk i Det nye testamentet? Historiske anvendelser og tolkninger.” [”Anti-Jewish Polemic in the New Testament? Interpretations and Uses in History.”] Contribution at the conference “‘Perfidis Judaei’? Kirkenes Antisemittiske Arv—Oppgjør Og Nyorientering. [“‘Perfidis Judaei?’ The Anti-Semitic Heritage in the Churches—Rejection and Renewal.”] Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. October 1, 2024.
- Runesson, Anders. “Jewish Law and Jesus Followers in First-Century Synagogues: Politics and Persecution in Matthew, Paul, and History.” Paper given in the seminar Jewish Law in the New Testament and Related Literature at the Annual Meeting of the SNTS, Melbourne, July 23–27, 2024.
- Runesson, Anders, “Persecution Imagined and Real: The Impact of Institutional Settings for Understanding the Nature of the Early Jesus Movement.” Paper given at the conference I testi del Nuovo Testamento within Judaism: Questioni di definizione e piste di lettura, XIII Convegno Di Studi Biblici, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Di Sicilia S. Giovanni Evangelista, Palermo, Italy, March 22–23 2024.
- Runesson Anders, and Wally V. Cirafesi, “The Past Is Not the Present: Othering John from a ‘within Judaism’ Perspective.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 20, 2023, San Antonio, USA.
- Runesson Anders. “Resurrecting Paul: History, Theology, Positionality, and Truth.” Response at Book Review Session dedicated to Matthew Novenson, Paul Then and Now (Eerdmans, 2022) and Anders Runesson, Judaism for Gentiles: Reading Paul Beyond the Parting of the Ways Paradigm (Mohr Siebeck, 2022). Given at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 20, 2023, San Antonio, USA.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Paul within Judaism Perspective – Where Do We Go from Here? Open Questions and Unresolved Issues.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 18, 2023, San Antonio, USA.
- Runesson, Anders. “Reading New Testament Texts as Jewish Texts: What does it Mean and Why Does it Matter?” Paper given at the University of Gloucestershire, UK, November 1, 2023. (Digital)
- Runesson, Anders. “The Origin and Definition of Judaism: Not without the Synagogue.” Paper given at the Symposium Ancient Synagogues in their Roman Context. October 29–31, 2023. Uppsala University, Sweden.
- Runesson, Anders. “Encountering the Other Where They Are: A Socio-Contextual Approach to Inter-Religious Interaction in Antiquity.” Paper given at the International Symposium Judaism and Trajectories of Religious Interaction: From the New Testament to the Qur’an. September 11–13, 2023. Lund University, Sweden.
- Runesson, Anders. “Resurrecting the Historical Jesus: The Importance of a Body for Locating a Soul.” Paper given in the seminar Social History and the New Testament, at the Annual Meeting of the SNTS, Vienna, July 25–28, 2023.
- Runesson, Anders. “Understanding Paul as a First-Century Jew in the Twenty-First Century: The Problem of Relevance, Bias, and Approach.” Paper given at the Bi-Annual Meeting of Norwegian New Testament Seminar (NNTFF), Oslo, October 24, 2022 (digital).
- Runesson, Anders. “What does ‘Within Judaism’ Mean for the Study of the New Testament?” Main Paper given at the Annual Meeting of the SNTS, Leuven, July 25–28, 2022 (Digital).
- Runesson, Anders. “Narrative and Theological Implications of Defining the Nature of God in Matthew: A Response to Daniel M. Gurtner, ‘Israel’s God in Matthew’s Gospel: Some Initial Probing’.” Response given in the seminar God in the New Testament, at the Annual Meeting of the SNTS, Leuven, July 25–28, 2022 (digital).
- Runesson Anders. “What Does “Within Judaism” Mean and What is at Stake? Some Thoughts on Paul and the Gospels.” Paper presented at the Aarhus/Oslo/Münster New Testament Workshop, December 15, 2021, Aarhus, Denmark (digital).
- Runesson, Anders. “Who Needs The Pharisees?” Book review presentation of Joseph Sievers and Amy-Jill Levine, eds., The Pharisees (Eerdmans, 2021) presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 21, 2021, San Antonio (digital).
- Runesson, Anders. “What Does it Mean to Read the New Testament Within Judaism? Reflections on the Nature of History.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 19, 2021, San Antonio (digital).
- Runesson, Anders. “Response to Joel Marcus and George Brooke: How do we Know if Matthew was Within Judaism?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 19, 2021, San Antonio (digital).
- Runesson, Anders, “Panel Response to Session Five: “No longer Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female: Gender, ethnicity and social status in apocalyptic perspective,” in the Enoch Conference Was Paul an Apocalyptic Jew? A Case in Jewish Diversity in the Second Temple Period (Digital). October 25–27, 2021.
- Runesson, Anders, “The Puzzle and Politics of Historical Reconstruction: The Case of the Rise and Development of Christianity and Judaism.” Keynote presentation at the international conference Religion and Cultural Change. Åbo, 7-9 June 2021 (digital).
- Runesson, Anders, “Judgment as Salvation.” Paper given at Enskilda Högskolan, Stockholm, in their series Public Lectures in Biblical Studies.” April 14, 2021 (digital).
- Runesson, Anders, “Ethnicity and Theology in Matthew’s Gospel.” Paper and Seminar given at Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, December 17, 2020 (Digital).
- Runesson, Anders, “Celebrating a Victory or Winning the War? A Review of Matthew Thiessen, Jesus and the Forces of Death: The Gospels’ Portrayal of Ritual Impurity within First-Century Judaism (Baker 2020).” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, December 9, 2020 (Digital).
- Runesson, Anders, “The Matthew-Within-Judaism Perspective: Status Quaestionis and the Way Forward.” Paper given at The Fourth Enoch Virtual Colloquium. Theme: Matthew Within Judaism, November 12, 2020. (Digital).
- Runesson, Anders, “Who Killed Jesus and Why? The Jewish nature of Matthew’s Anti-Imperial Polemics.” Paper given at the Aarhus/Oslo/Munster New Testament Workshop Münster, Germany, December 12-13, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “What Never Belonged Together Cannot Part: A New Approach to the Early History of Jewish and Christian Interaction.” Paper given at the conference Jews and Christians: Parting Ways in the First Two Centuries CE? Organised by Humboldt University Berlin and Australian Catholic University, Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry. Berlin, Germany, December 5–7, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “What Do We Know and How Do we Know What We Think We Know? On the Historical Jesus his Movement.” Paper and Seminar given at the Department of History, University of Oslo, October 16, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders, “Paul and the Joining of the Ways: Ordering the Eschaton, Preparing for Judgment.” Paper given at the international conference Paul’s Message and Jewish Eschatological Notions Concerning Israel’s Role Towards the Nations. Bratislava, Slovakia, September 10–13, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders, “Beyond the Parting of the WaysThe Importance of Institutional Contexts for the Formation of (Separate) Jewish and Christian Identities.” Paper presented at Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–400 CE), an international conference organised by the universities of Lund, Oslo and Uppsala. Lund May 12–15, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders, “To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise—Is that the Question? Rethinking Paul and Matthew on Gentile Inclusion.” Paper presented at an international Expert Meeting on Male Circumcision: Ancient Attitudes in Light of Contemporary Questions. Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, Norway, May 9–11, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “City of God or Home of Traitors and Killers? The Status of Jerusalem in the Gospel of Matthew.” Lecture at Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, March 15, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Ancient Synagogue and the Origins of Judaism and Christianity” Lecture at China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China, March 14, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Archaeological Context of the Public Reading of the Bible in the First Century: The Role of the Synagogue.” Lecture at Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, March 14, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders: “Who Killed Jesus, and Why?” The Jewish Nature of Matthew’s Anti-Imperial Polemics.” Lecture at Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, March 13, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Origins of Christianity: What Can We Learn From the Archaeological Remains?” Lecture at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, March 12, 2019.
- Runesson, Anders. “‘See, Your House is Left to You, Desolate’ (Matt 23:38): Assigning Guilt and Saving the Innocent in Matthew’s Gospel.” Paper presented at the International Colloquium entitled The Gospel of Matthew: Its Composition, Theology, and Early Reception, co-organised by Joseph Verheyden, the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at KU Leuven and David C. Sim, the Faculty of Theology and Philosophyat Australian Catholic University. Leuven, Belgium, 3–5 December 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “Who Killed Jesus, and Why? The Jewish Nature of Matthew’s Anti-Imperial Polemics.” Paper presented at the SBL Annual Meeting, Section: Jesus Traditions, Gospels & Negotiating the Roman Imperial World.Denver, USA, November 17–20, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Place of History and Exegesis in Theology.” Paper given at the Inaugural meeting of the Society for Post-Supersessionist Theology, Denver, USA, November 16, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Role of the Synagogue in the Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity.” Paper to be presented at a conference entitled The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in the Near and Middle East in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, SOAS, University of London, UK, 5-7 November, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Origins of Christianity: What can we Learn from the Archaeological Evidence?” Paper presented at the Department of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, September 5, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “Space, Ritual, and Politics in (the Reconstruction of) the Ancient Synagogue: An Exploration of the Historical Archive.” Paper presented at theSNTS Annual Meeting, Seminar: Social History and the New Testament. Athens, Greece, August 7–10, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. Member of a review Panel on William S. Campbell, The Nations in the Divine Economy: Paul’s Covenantal Hermeneutics and Participation in Christ(Lexington/Fortress Academic, 2018). Response given at the SNTS Annual Meeting, Seminar: Reading Paul’s Letters in Context: Theological and Social-Scientific Approaches. Athens, Greece, August 7–10, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “How to Save the Gentile Other: The Conflicting Perspectives of Paul and Matthew.” Paper presented at the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, April 4, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “Beyond Universalism and Particularism: Rethinking Paul and Matthew on Gentile Inclusion.” Paper presented at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, Canada, March 28, 2018.
- Runesson, Anders. “Gentile Inclusion in Paul and Matthew: Ethnicity, Salvation, and Mission.” Paper presented at a conference at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, December 14–15 2017 (The Aarhus–Oslo New Testament Research Symposium).
- Runesson, Anders. “To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise – Is That the Question? Rethinking Paul and Matthew on Gentile Inclusion.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, USA, November 19 2017.
- Runesson, Anders. Member of Review Panel on The Irony of Power: The Politics of God within Matthew’s Narrative, by Dorothy Jean Weaver. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, USA, November 21 2017.
- Runesson Anders. “Reforming the Reformer: Reading Paul with Luther in Contemporary Europe.” Keynote paper presented at the International Symposium 500 Years of Reformation, Evangelical Lutheran Theological faculty at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. September 12–15, 2017.
- Runesson, Anders. “From Jesus to Paul: The Impact of Institutional Structures on the Formation of Theology.” Paper presented at the Desmond Tutu Centre for Spirituality and Society at the University of Western Cape, Cape town, South Africa, August 16, 2017.
- Runesson, Anders. “On Turning Stones into Stories in Ephesians: A Response to Albert Harrill, “The Imperial Aesthetics of Narrative Architecture: The Representation of Buildings and Monuments in Literature.” SNTS Annual Meeting, Pretoria, August 8 – 11, 2017.
- Runesson, Anders. “Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew: Beyond Christian Theology.” Paper and Seminar at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Sweden, March 29, 2017.
- Runesson Anders. “Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew’s Gospel.” Paper presented at the Norwegian New Testament Seminar(NNTFF), Norwegian School of Theology, March 10, 2017.
- Runesson, Anders. “Aspects of Matthean ‘Universalism’: Ethnic Identity as a Theological Tool in the First Gospel.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, November 19, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “Space, Ritual, and Politics in (the Reconstruction of) the Ancient Synagogue: An Exploration of the Historical Archive.” Paper given at Describing and Explaining Ritual Dynamics, an international conference organized by the Research Centre “Dynamics of Jewish Ritual Practices in Pluralistic Contexts from Antiquity to the Present,” the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies of the University of Erfurt, Germany. October 26–28, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “Paul and the Legitimacy of the Law: Salvation for both Jews and Gentiles? Erasmus Seminar given at the University of Vienna, October 20, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Impact of Ethnic Identity on Theology in Matthew’s Gospel.” Erasmus Seminar given at the University of Vienna October 20, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “Jesus and Jerusalem: The Conflicting Views of Matthew and Luke. Erasmus Seminar given at the University of Vienna, October 19, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Ancient Synagogue and the Origins of Judaism and Christianity” Public Lecture given at the University of Vienna, October 19, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “City of God or Home of Traitors and Killers? The Status of Jerusalem According to Matthew.” The Kennedy – Wright Opening Lecture at the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins at the University of Edinburgh, October 3, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “Reassessing the Impact of 70 CE on the Origins and Development of Palestinian Synagogues.” Paper given at The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine: Current Issues and Emerging Trends, an international conference at the University of Helsinki, September 22-24, 2016. With Wally Cirafesi.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Ancient Synagogue and the Birth of Judaism and Christianity.” Opening Lecture for the Winter term at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, January 20, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “Postcolonial Perspectives on the Contextual Nature of Research.” Presentation at a joint research seminar of Religious Roots of Europe and Contextual Theology, Faculty of Theology, Oslo, March 9, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “Jerusalem or Galilee? The Status of the Holy City in Matthew’s Gospel.” Lecture given at the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong, May 26, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Irregular as a Key to Deeper Meaning in Christian and Jewish Hermeneutics.” Response to paper by Dr. Sivert Angel (“Why Did Jesus Calm the Storm? Homiletic Strategies in Three Sermons by Augustine, Luther, and Bonheoffer,”). Det Praktisk-Teologiske Seminar, Oslo, March 2, 2016.
- Runesson, Anders. “‘Let there be Light!’ On the Struggle Against Darkness in the Bible.” Paper given at Light, an interdisciplinary conference at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, November 11, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “Reading Architecture and Reconstructing History: Archaeological Remains as Evidence of Ancient Judaism and Christianity,” a Research Seminar given at Lund University, Sweden, November 4, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “Understanding the Other: Public Space and the Ancient Synagogue as the Birthplace of Judaism and Christianity,” The Religious Roots of Europe Open Lecture, Lund University, Sweden, November 3, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “Beyond Ethics: The Politics of Moral Purity in the World of Matthew’s Gospel.” Paper presented at Jewish and Christian Rituals of Purification, an international conference in Uppsala, Sweden, October 21-23, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “The (Institutional) Origins of Pauline Theology.” Paper given at the Faculty of Theology (TFF), Oslo, October 7, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “Translating Paul: Terminological and Conceptual Issues in History and Theology.” Paper presented at the meeting of the Lutheran World Federation, Aarhus, Denmark, September 25-29, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “Domestic Worship in Ancient Judaism: Some Comments on Religion in the non-Public Sphere.” Response to paper by Dr. Gabriele Faßbeck (“Being Jewish at home: A glance at interpretations of ancient Palestine’s material record”). Presented at the Annual Meeting of theSociety for New Testament Studies, Amsterdam, July 28-31, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Sacred and the City: Jerusalem, Galilee, and the Role of the Christ in Matthew’s Gospel.” Presented at the Nordic New Testament Conference in Aarhus, Denmark.Theme:New Testament Scholarship in the Nordic Countries: Trends and Tasks. May 29-June 2, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “Jerusalem: City of God or Home of Tyrants and Traitors? Matthew’s Perspective.” Presented at Cities of God? Assessing Early Christian Engagement with the Ancient Urban Environments. An international conference at St. Mary’s University, London, UK. May 22-23, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Future of New Testament Studies.” A presentation at a seminar at the NorwegianAcademy of Science and Letters, Oslo, entitled “Re-Imagining New Testament Studies.” January 30, 2015.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Relevance of Synagogue Research for the Study of the New Testament.” Paper given at the fall meeting of Collegium Iudaicum, Oslo, December 5, 2014.
- Runesson, Anders. “Reading Paul in (Institutional) Context: What Difference Does it Make?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, November 24, 2014.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Impact of Ethnic Identity on Salvation in Matthew’s Gospel.” Paper presented at the Higher Research Seminar at Uppsala University in a joint session with Lund University. September 30, 2014.
- Runesson, Anders. “Placing Paul: Institutional Structures and Theological Strategy in the World of the Early Christ-Believers.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Swedish Exegetical Society, Uppsala University, September 29, 2014.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Impact of Ethnic Identity on Theology and Salvation in Matthew’s Gospel.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of theSociety for New Testament StudiesPerth, Australia, July 2013.
- Runesson, Anders. “Entering a Synagogue with Paul: Torah Observance in First-Century Jewish Institutions” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting ofSociety of Biblical Literature, Section: Paul and Judaism. Chicago, November 2012.
- Runesson Anders. “Beyond Normativity: What Would an Ancient Synagogue Be Without Rabbis or Christians?” Paper presented at Penn State University. March 22, 2012.
- Runesson Anders. “From Apocalyptic Catastrophe to Theological Triumphalism: The Jesus Movement and the Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.” Paper presented at Westdale United Church, Hamilton, as part of their lecture series Creative Responses to the End of the World. March 19, 2012.
- Runesson Anders. “Apostolic Judaism and the Myth of Christian Origins.” Paper presented at the University of Toronto (The Seminar for Culture and Religion in Antiquity (SCRA). January 23, 2012.
- Runesson Anders. “Synagogues Without Rabbis or Christians? Ancient Institutions Beyond Normative Discourses.” Paper presented at Erasure History: Approaching the Missing Sources of Antiquity.An international conference at University of Toronto, November 11-12, 2011. Convener: John W. Marshall.
- Runesson, Anders. “Changing the Facts on the Ground: Judaism, Christianity, and the Politics of ‘Religion’ in Late Antiquity.” (Plenary speaker together with Daniel Boyarin.) Paper presented at Emerging Normativities: Examining the Formation of Proto-Orthodox Christianities and Rabbinic Judaisms 200-800 CE. St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon Canada. September 21-22, 2011. Convener: Simon Lasair.
- Runesson, Anders. “Translating Paul: Colonising the Past or Liberating the Dead?” Paper presented at Paul, Jewishness, and Otherness after the Holocaust, a conference convened by Davina C. Lopez (Eckerd College)and Todd Penner (Austin College), in conjunction with Marc Ellis of the Center for Jewish Studies at Baylor University. Waco, USA, April 14-16, 2011.
- Runesson Anders. “Paul and the Politics of Understanding: Choosing Life as Interpretive Strategy.” Paper presented at the Annual Holocaust Luncheonat Baylor University. Invitation by Prof. Marc Ellis. Event co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish Studies and Kyle Lake Center for Effective Preaching at Truett Theological Seminary. Texas, USA, April 13, 2011.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Good, the Bad, and the Proselyte: Divine Judgement and ‘the Other’ in the Gospel of Matthew.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Section: Matthew (Matthew’s Gospel and Early Christianity: Studies in Memory of Professor Graham Stanton). Atlanta, USA, November 2010.
- Runesson, Anders. “Paul and Jewish Christianity: Terminological and Conceptual Issues.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Section: New Unit Planning Session: Paul and Judaism (Theme: What Does it Mean to Approach Paul as Practicing First-Century Judaism?) Atlanta, USA, November 2010.
- Runesson, Anders. “Giving Birth to Jesus in the Late First Century: Matthew as Midwife in the Context of Colonisation.” Paper presented at Infancy Gospels: Stories and Identities. An International Conference at the University of Lausanne. Lausanne, Switzerland, September 30 – October 2, 2010. Conveners: Claire Clivaz, Andreas Dettwiler, Luc Devilliers, and Enrico Norelli.
- Runesson, Anders. “Kunskap, dårskap och intighet i nytestamentlig frälsningsteologi” [“Knowledge, Foolishness, and Nothingness in New Testament Theologies of Salvation”]. Paper presented at the 8th Nordic Patristic Conference Sôteria och Gnôsis - frälsning och kunskap i den tidiga kyrkan[Soteria and Gnosis – Salvation and Knowledge in the Early Church. Lund University. Lund, Sweden, August 18-21, 2010.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Mattheans: Radical Pharisees in Post-War Galilee?” Paper presented at the Research Seminar Reading the New Testament as Second Temple Jewish Literature. Hebrew University (Department of Comparative Religion and L'École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem ), Jerusalem May 26, 2010.
- Runesson, Anders. “Judging the Theological Tree by its Fruit: The Use of the Gospels of Mark and Matthew in Official Church Documents on Jewish – Christian Relations.” Paper presented at Mark and Matthew. Texts and Contexts II: Hermeneutics, Reception History, Theology. An International Conference at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, November 17-18, 2009. Conveners: Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson.
- Runesson, Anders. “Was there a Christian Mission Before the Fourth Century? Problematizing Common Ideas About Early Christianity and the Origins of Modern Mission.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the SNTS, Seminar 12 History and Theology of Mission in the New Testament: Global Challenges and Opportunities. Vienna, Austria, August 4 - 8, 2009.
- Runesson, Anders. “Reading Torah or Offering Sacrifices? On Worshipping the God of Israel in the Diaspora.” Paper presented at a joint colloquium on Hellenistic Judaism by the Department of Religious Studies and the Classics Department, McMaster University. Hamilton, Canada, September 27, 2005.
- Runesson, Anders. “Re-thinking the ‘Parting of the Ways Between Judaism and Christianity’: The Case of Matthew.” Paper presented at Lund University. Sweden, June 8, 2005.
- Runesson, Anders. “From Where to What? Common Judaism, Pharisees, and the Changing Socio-Religious Location of the Matthean Community.” Paper presented at the Calgary Conference in honour of E.P. Sanders: Common Judaism Explored. Second Temple Judaism in Context. Calgary, May 16-17, 2005.
- Runesson, Anders. Response to paper by Agnes Choi, “The Travelling peasant and Urban-Rural Relations in Roman Galilee.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. London, ON, May 2005.
- Runesson, Anders. “From Integration to Alienation: Archaeology as Text and the Analysis of Early Diaspora Judaism.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Collegium Biblicum, Copenhagen University. Copenhagen, January 2002.
- Runesson, Anders. “Persian Imperial Politics, the Beginnings of Public Torah Readings, and the Origins of the Synagogue.” Paper presented at the international conference The Ancient Synagogue: From the Beginning to About 200 CE, Lund University. Lund, October 14-17 2001.
b) Contributed - Runesson, Anders. “Re-Thinking the ’Parting(s) of the Ways Between Judaism and Christianity’: Categories, Terminology, Procedure.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Philadelphia, November 2005.
- Runesson, Anders. “Architecture, Conflict, and Identity Formation: Jews and Christians in Capernaum From the 1stto the 6thCentury.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Philadelphia, November 2005.
- Runesson, Anders. “Divine Judgment in the First Gospel and the Religio-Ethnic Identity of the Matthean Community.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX, November 2004.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Origins of the Synagogue in Past and Present Research: Some Comments on Definitions, Theories, and Sources.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Toronto, November 2002.
- Runesson, Anders. “The Origins of the Synagogue: A Socio-Historical Study” and “The Synagogue at Ostia: The Building and Its History From the First to the Fifth Century.” Posters presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver, November, 2001.
c) Guest Lectures - “The Origins of the Synagogue,” Guest Lecture at Dharmaram College, Bangalore India, February 2003.
- “Praktisk sanning och svenskkyrklig religionsteologi” (“Praxis-oriented Definitions of Truth and the Theology of Religions of the Church of Sweden”), given at the Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem, May 2003.
- "The Sermon on the Mount in Theory and Practice”, guest lecture in Theory and Practice of Non-Violence, McMaster
Public papers and seminars
- “The Eucharist in the Bible,” lecture and seminar for seminary students in the Swedish dioceses of Härnösand and Luleå. November 1995.
- ”Gud, Bibeln och Kyrkan: Kan kvinnor vara präster?” (“God, Bible, and Church: Should Women be Ordained?”). A theological defence for women as ministers in the Church of Sweden, held for ministry students in Lund and Uppsala. Spring 1996.
- ”Ett ljus för folken: Gemensamma utgångspunkter och möjligheter för judar och kristna?” (“A Light to the Nations: Common Points of Departure and Opportunities for Jews and Christians?”). Lecture at the International Council of Christians and Jews, local meeting in Lund.September 1996.
- ”Blev Gud man eller människa?” (“Was God made Man or Human?”) Public panel discussion on gender- and culture related conceptions of God, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Lund, Sweden. Other members of the panel: Dr. Anette Munga, Dr. Madeleine Tönnis, Prof. Birger Olsson (Chair). November 1996. Also held as lecture for candidates for ministry, Church of Sweden (Växjö stiftsgrupp), Lund. April 1997.
- “Parables and their Meaning in the New Testament and in Rabbinic Literature.” Lecture at the International Council of Christians and Jews, local meeting in Lund. Lund, Sweden, May 1997, and on other occasions. Together with Dr. Karin Zetterholm.
- “On the New Testament and Religious Dialogue,” public lecture at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Sweden, November 1997. (Also held at other occasions, for ministers in the Church of Sweden.)
- “Strategies against anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism,” Lecture at the World Conference on Religion and Peace. Malmö, Sweden, February 1998.
- ”Vad är skapelse? Psaltaren och den gammaltestamentliga skapelsesynen” (“What is Creation? Psalms and Old Testament Views on Creation”). Lecture held at a convention for ministers and other employees at Allhelgona Church, Lund.October 1998.
- ”Frälsning utan gränser? Om Nya testamentet och religionsdialogen” (Unlimited Salvation? On the New Testament and Religious Dialogue”). Public lecture held at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Lund, as well as at a convention for ministers in Lysvik, Värmland. November 1998.
- Responsible, together with, among others, Dr. Karin Zetterholm, for organising the public presentation of the official document of the Church of Sweden on its relation to Judaism and the Jewish people (“Guds vägar: Ett inomkyrkligt samtalsdokument”) in Lund, Sweden. The presentation was set as a panel discussion with myself as moderator. The panel consisted of Bishop Christina Odenberg, Chief Rabbi Morton Narrowe, Prof. Anders Piltz, Dean Anders Svenningsen, and Rector Mats Ekström. The media, including television news, covered the event. February 1999.
- “Guds vägar: Ett inomkyrkligt samtalsdokument.” Lecture and seminar on the dialogue document of the Church of Sweden on its relation to Judaism and the Jewish people. Held at the Christian Student Association, Malmö.March 1999.
- Member of the panel in a public seminar discussion on the identity of the Church of Sweden organized by the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Lund. Other members of the panel were: Bishop Jonas Jonsson, Prof. Eva Hamberg, Prof. Werner Jeanrond, Dr. Lena Petersson. Moderator: Docent Elisabeth Gerle. November 1999.
- Represented the Christian part in a trialogue between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. A panel discussion: “Rådslag om livet: Öppna kvällar kring angelägna ämnen.” Lund. Moderator: Prof. Jan Hjärpe.November 1999.
- "Teologi: Vad är det och vem skall formulera den?” (“Theology: What is it and who has the Authority to Formulate it?”). Lecture and seminar for ministers in the Church of Sweden, diocese of Härnösand, January 2000 and on other occasions.
- “Sanningsfrågan i religionsmötet: Hur kan man som kristen relatera till människor av annan tro?” (“Inter-religious Encounters and the Question of Truth: How may Christians relate to People of Other Faiths?”). Lecture and seminar, arranged by the Church of Sweden, Höör, Sweden, October 2000.
- “Bibeln och sanningsfrågan” (“The Bible and the question of Truth”). Lecture held for the student association Veritas, Lund.December 2001.
- “Pharisees and Jesus-believers in the First Century: On the Origins of the Synagogue and the Church.” Lecture at the International Council of Christians and Jews, local meeting in Lund. Lund, Sweden, April 2002.
- “The Origins of the Synagogue and Jewish/Christian Relations.” The Ben Meyer Memorial Lecture. The Jewish Community Centre, Ancaster ON, June 2, 2004.
- “Why are Christians not Jews? Some Thoughts on the Origins of Christianity,” talk at the annual meeting of McMaster Campus Ministries Council, April 2005.
- “Is Christianity a Judaism? Understanding Early Jewish/Christian Relations and the So-Called Parting(s) of the Ways Between Judaism and Christianity. Lecture at the Anshe Shalom Synagogue (The Breakfast Club Lecture Series). Hamilton, February 12, 2006.
- “Gnosticism, Women, and Leadership in the Early Church.” Lecture responding to recent ideas, represented by novels like Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code, on church conspiracies, oppression of women, and non-canonical Christian movements. The Albert Lager Lecture Series, McMaster University. Hamilton, June 28, 2006.
- “Is Christianity Anti-Semitic? ‘The Jews’ in the New Testament and in the Church.”Lecture; the Science in the City Public Lecture Series. Hamilton, January 16, 2007.
- Runesson, Anders. “Opening the Covenant: The Role of Abraham in Christian Tradition.” Lecture was part of a trialogue in the Westdale United Church Visiting Distinguished Speaker Program Abraham in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Tradition. Hamilton, April 23, 2008.
- Moderator at the 2nd World Religions Conference Hamilton, 2008: Life and Teachings of the Founder of my Religion.” Representatives from Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, First Nations Traditional Spirituality. Dignitaries present included David Christopherson, MP, Paul Miller, MP, Fred Eisenberger, Mayor of the City of Hamilton. November 15, 2008.
- "To See in a Mirror Dimly: 1 Corinthians 13:12 in Ecumenical Perspective". Lecture and discussion at the September meeting of the Lutheran and Reformed Pastors in Jerusalem, by invitation of Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Jerusalem, September 15, 2009.
- "Judgment and Salvation in the Gospel of Matthew." Lecture and discussion at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Jerusalem, February 10 2010.
- "Om Jesus och hans uttolkare: En bokscirkel kring Jonas Gardells rekonstruktion av historiens Jesus" ("On Jesus and his Interpreters: a Study Circle on Jonas Gardell's reconstruction of the Historical Jesus"). A joint venture between the Swedish Christian Study Center (Bilda) and the Swedish Congregation at the Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem. April 12, 19, 26, 2010.
- "Myths and Facts about the So-Called Parting of the Ways between Judaism and Christianity in the first Five Centuries." Lecture given at the Swedish Christian Study Center (Bilda), Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, May 24, 2010.
- "Jewish-Christian Relations in Antiquity and the Myth of the Parting of the Ways between Judaism and Christianity." Lecture given at Caspari Center, Jerusalem, June 1, 2010.
- "Synagogues and Synagogal Life in the First Century." Lecture and discussion at Shabbat School Bible Study, Narkis Street, Jerusalem, June 5, 2010.
- "Religionsmöte och synagogor vid Jesu tid och idag." ("Inter-Religious Encounters and Synagogues in the time of Jesus and Today") Seminar given at the Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem, June 13, 2010.
- "Myths and Facts about the So-Called Parting of the Ways between Judaism and Christianity in the first Five Centuries." Lecture at Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Jerusalem, July 13, 2010.
- "Reconciling Faith and Scholarship." Seminar given at a retreat organized by McMaster Campus Ministries Council, January 19, 2013.
- “’How Much More Personal Can You Get?!’: Some Thoughts on the Meaning of the Virgin Birth in the Early Church.” Public talk at St. Ansgar Foundation, Uppsala, September 28, 2014.
- “Diversity and Salvation of the Other in Paul and Matthew: Re-Reading 1 Cor 7:17-24 and Matt 25:31-46.” Guest lecture for teachers (continuing education) in a course on the Jewish Background of the New Testament at eTeacherGroup Online Language Academy. (Online.) February 5, 2015.
- “Religion in the Middle East: Jews, Christians, Muslims.” Public talk at the Church of Sweden in Norway, Oslo. February 21, 2015.
- “Confessions of a Religious Studies Professor.” A Public Talk at Oslo International School. Oslo, March 3, 2015.
- “What Does it Mean to Prove the Virgin Birth? Ancient and Modern Understandings of Jesus’ Birth.” Public talk given at the Church of Sweden in Norway, Oslo, June 17, 2015.
- “The Ancient Synagogue and the Birth of Judaism and Christianity.” Public Lecture introducing the Spring Term at the Faculty of Theology, Oslo, January 20, 2016.
- “The Holy Land and the First Pilgrims: An Archaeological Journey Through Time.” Public talk given at the Church of Sweden in Norway, Trondheim, February 27, 2016.
- “The Death and Resurrection of Jesus: Historical and Theological Perspectives.” Public talk given at the Church of Sweden in Norway, Trondheim, February 28, 2016.
- “Paul, the Bible, and Us: On Rainbows and Theology.” Public talk given at the Church of Sweden in Norway, Oslo, June 28, 2016.
- “Luther and the Other.” A Video-Recorded Lecture, for Continuing Education of Pastors/priests in the Church of Norway, University of Oslo, August 10, 2016.
- “What is a Priest/Pastor, and How Does the Answer to that Question Relate to the Priest’s Education?” Paper and seminar at the conference Prest og Teolog i Praksis, Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo, April 4, 2017.
- “Why is the Virgin Birth so Important? Some Thoughts on Science, Theology, and Politics in Antiquity and Today.” Lecture and discussion, the Church of Sweden in Stavanger, Norway, May 5, 2017.
- “Den frälsande domen: Eskatologi och teologi i historia och nutid” (“Judgment as Salvation: Eschatology and Theology in History and Today”). Keynote presentation at Biskopens Teologdag: Eschatology: How Do We Practice Hope in Our Time?Gothenburg, Sweden, September 10, 2018.
- “Den frälsande domen” (“Judgment as Salvation”). Keynote presentation at Teologidagarna, a two-day symposium for deacons, pastors, bishops and other theologians in the Church of Norway. Oslo, March 6, 2018.
- ”Att tillbe Gud: Gudstjänstrummets teologiska och politiska implikationer inom judendom och kristendom.” (“To Worship God: Theological and Political Implications of Ritual Space in Judaism and Christianity”). Teologdag i Pjätteryd, Sweden, May 26–27 2019.
- ”Paulus, bibeln och vi: Om regnbågar och teologi.”(Paul, the Bible, and Us: On Rainbows and Theology”). Lecture at Margaretakyrkan, Oslo, June 19, 2019.
- “Måste man vara kristen för att bli frälst? Idéer om Guds dom i historia och nutid.” Föredrag på Mattias Söderhielms jubeltåg, juli 2021.
- ”Hvem var fariseerne og hvorfor er det spørsmålet viktig for kirken i dag?” (”Who Were the Pharisees and Why is that and Important Question for the Church Today?”). Lecture/seminar for the Committee on the Church and the Jewish People, The Church of Norway, Oslo, March 1, 2022.
- “Vem dödade Jesus och varför? Påskens mysterium i nytt ljus.”(“Who Killed Jesus and Why? New Light on the Mystery of Easter”). Lecture for ministers, Nordre Akers Prosti, Oslo, March 24 2022.
- “Matthew 24–25 (God’s Judgment: The Coming of the Son of Man).” The Two Testament Podcast. Here: ; or here: . March 2023.
- “Ubehaglige samtaler: Det er lov å brenne Koranen men er det lurt?” (“Uncomfortable Conversations: It is Legal to Burn the Qu’ran, But is it Wise?”) Participant in a public panel discussion, co-organised between the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. Domus Bibliotheca, Oslo, October 16, 2023. Podcast here: )
- ”Judiska studier vid teologisk fakultet i det 21:a århundradet: Ett nationellt och internationellt behov.” (”Jewish Studies at Faculties of Theology in the 21st Century: A National and International Desideratum.”) (Lecture at the Jewish Community’s Annual Academic Program, The Oslo Synagogue.)
- “Julberättelsens dolda budskap: Om Jungfrufödelse, vetenskap och politik i nutid och dåtid.” (“The Hidden Message of Christmas: On Virgin Births, Science, and Politics Now and Then.”) Talk given in the Series Tro & Tanke (“Faith and Thought”), Gamla Aker Congregation, Oslo, December 7, 2023.
- “Jødene i Norden efter 7. Oktober 2023” [“The Jews in the Nordic Countries After October 7 2023.”] Participant in a public panel discussion, organised by the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. Domus Bibliotheca, Oslo, April 11, 2024.
- “Hva er sannhet i Bibelen? Om Jesus som frigjørende bibelleser i en tid med skepsis og fundamentalisme.” [“What is Truth in the Bible? On Jesus as Liberating Reader of the Bible in a Time of Scepticism and Fundamentalism.”] Fredrikstad, Litteraturhuset, 11 September 11, 2024.
- Panel “Religionens rolle i Midtøsten-konflikten [“The Role of Religion in the Middle East Conflict”] (Krigen raser på Gaza og grenseområdene mellom Israel og Libanon. Hvilken rolle spiller religion i disse konfliktene? Kan religion både være en del av konflikten og samtidig en del av løsningen?),” Participant in a public panel discussion, organised by the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. Domus Bibliotheca, Oslo,October 8, 2024.
- “Det nye testamentet er jødisk.” [“The New Testament is Jewish”] Interview on National Radio, NRK Verdibørsen, about the book Within Judaism? (see above under ‘Publications’), Friday October 11, 2024 ( ).
- “Vem var egentligen hoi Ioudaioi i det Nya testamentet och vem är de i Norge idag?” Paper given at the Jervell-Seminar, Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, October 24, 2024.
- “Om Anti-semitism och Nya testamentet: Intention och Reception.” [“On Anti-Semitism and the New Testament: Intention and Reception”] Lecture to be given at prostemøtet i Hamar Bispedømme, med biskop Ole Kristian Bonden. Hamar. January 28, 2025.