Popular Studies (Selection)
- “Arkitektonisk utveckling av synagogan i Ostia” (“The Architectural Development of the Synagogue at Ostia”). 268-69 in: Irene von Görtz-Wrisberg “Den antika synagogan. Ett tvärvetenskapligt projekt i Lund,” Svensk Religionshistorisk Årsbok (1999) 257-281.
- “The Origins and Nature of the 1st Century Synagogue.” Bible and Interpretation. July 2004.
- “Synagogen på Jesu tid: Nye fund og ny forståelse” (“The Synagogue in the Time of Jesus: New Findings and Theories”). TEL 16:1 (2005) 3-9. (Part 1)
- “Synagogen på Jesu tid: Nye fund og ny forståelse” (“The Synagogue in the Time of Jesus: New Findings and Theories”). TEL 16:2 (2005): 5-10. (Part 2).
- "Myths and Facts about the So-Called Parting of the Ways between Judaism and Christianity in the first Five Centuries."
- “Extending or Restricting the Covenant? Abraham and the People of God in Christian Tradition.” Lexington Theological Quarterly, Vol. XLIV:1 (2011) 1-17.
- “The Challenge of the Historical Jesus,” Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 108:5 (2012) 84-86. [In Swedish.]
- "Ekklesia", Bible Odyssey (Ask a Scholar; Society of Biblical LIterature). 2016.
- “Den frälsande domen.” [“Judgment as an Act of Salvation”] Kirke og Kultur: Religion og Samfunn123:3 (2018) 215–229.
- Runesson, Anders. “Who Needs the Pharisees? New Testament and Beyond.” Review Article of Joseph Sievers and Amy Jill Levine, eds., The Pharisees (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2021) , in Ancient Jew Review, March 24, 2022, in Articles. (https://www.ancientjewreview.com/read/2022/3/22/who-needs-the-pharisees )
- Anders Runesson, “The Puzzle and Politics of Historical Reconstruction: The Case of the Rise and Development of Christianity and Judaism,” Approaching Religion 12.1 (2022) 4–17.
Contributions to Journals and Newspapers
Most of the following selection of publications deal with subjects relating to religious dialogue (e.g., the position of the Church of Sweden on Jews and Judaism; strategies against anti-Semitism etc.), contextual theology (e.g., the fact that theology is always political and what implications this insight carries with it), and the Church of Sweden (e.g., its identity, theology and relation to state universities; ecumenical considerations). Not listed below is an inter-religious document on the study of religions in Swedish High Schools: “Ett interreligiöst dokument om religion i svensk skolundervisning” (“An Inter-Religious Document on Religion in Swedish High-Schools” published in Kontexten (organ för Institutet för Kontextuell teologi)10 (1999) 14-15. The document, of which I was the principle author, was the result of the work of an inter-religious dialogue group in Lund (Inter-religiöst forum) with representatives from Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Baha’i, and ISKCON (Hare Krishna).
- “Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel,” The Last Word (The Magazine of the International Council of Christians and Jews’ Young Leadership Section), 3 (1994) 13-14.
- ”Enhet är inte detsamma som likriktning” (”Unity is Not the Same as Uniformity”). Kyrkans Tidning 14/15 (1996). [Deals with recent ecumenical developments.]
- ”Avgudadyrkan att könsbestämma Gud” (”It is Idolatry to Specify God’s Gender”) Kyrkans Tidning 49 (1996). [Deals with questions relating to symbols, language, hermeneutics, and Biblical texts.]
- “Berg, dalar och interreligiös dialog: ICCJ YLS-konferensen i Todtmoos, Tyskland” (”Montains, Valleys, and Inter-Reigious Dialogue: The ICCJ YLS-Conference in Todtmoos, Germany”). Judisk-kristen dialog, 19:4 (1996) 11-12. [Deals with recent developments in Jewish-Christian dialogue.]
- ”Kyrkorna bör samarbeta för att undanröja antijudiska inslag i gudstjänsten” (”The Churches Need to Co-Operate in Order to Eliminate Anti-Judaism in Liturgies”). Judisk-kristen Dialog 2 (1997) 8-10.
- “Ett ljus för folken: Gemensamma utgångspunkter och möjligheter för judar och kristna” (“A Light to the Nations: Common Points of Departure and Opportunities for Jews and Christians?”). Judisk-kristen dialog, 20:1 (1997) 19-25.
- Improperierna: för två blandade körer a capella. Nytolkning till svenska. Slite: Wessmans, 1997. Tillsammans med Fritzon, Ulrica och Karin M. Hedner. Textläggning och musikbearbetning: Johan-Magnus Sjöberg. [Presents a new version of this part of the Good Friday liturgy which eliminates the anti-Jewish elements of the original text.]
- ”Improperierna: Antijudisk polemik i svensk långfredagsliturgi kritiseras och ny tolkning presenteras,” osignerad artikel i Judisk-kristen dialog, 20:1 (1997) 25-26.
- “Strategier mot antisemitism och antijudiskhet” (“Strategies against Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism”). Judisk-kristen dialog, 21:3 (1998) 3-9.
- “Förbundens teologi och teologiernas förbund” (”The Theology of the Covenants and the Covenant of the Theologies”). Guds vägar: Judendom och kristendom-ett inomkyrkligt samtalsdokument, Svenska kyrkans utredningar 1999:1, Uppsala, 1999, 34-37. [Deals with convenant theology in a Jewish/Christian relations perspective.]
- “Kyrkan är till sin natur politisk” (”The Church is, by Definition, Political). Kontexten (organ för Institutet för Kontextuell teologi; http://www.iktsverige.org/), 10 (1999) 2-5.
- “Tolken som tiger? Några ord om svenskkyrklig identitet, statliga universitet och den teologiska förpliktelsen” (”The Silent Interpreter? Some Comments on the Identity of the Church of Sweden, State Universities, and the Necessity of Theological Interpretation”). Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 76:1 (2000) 103-105.
- ”Promotion är ingen religiös ritual,” SDS 26/5-2000 (Kultursidan; även refererad/citerad i LUM (Lunds Universitet Informerar), nr. 6, 2000, sid. XXIV.). Together with Johan Modée.
- “Minnet av kristallnatten missbrukas,” Sydsvenska dagbladet, lördagen 9 november 2002, C2. Together with Sverker Oredsson, Daniel Schatz, and Maria Svensson.
- ”Salig på sin tro?” (“Does Faith Save?”) Svensk kyrkotidning, 99:33-34 (2003) 385-389. [Deals with Christian Theology of Religions.]
- ”Uppståndelsen: början på slutet” (“Resurrection: The Beginning of the End”). Svensk kyrkotidning, 100:14-15 (2004) 202-205.
- "Är Nya testamentet passé i akademin?" (Is the New Testament no longer on the Agenda within the Academy?) Dagen (Opinion-Debatt), March 8, 2007. Together with Anna Runesson.
- "Experter behövs i teologiskt kärnämne" (Experts are Needed in Key Areas of Theological Education) Dagen (Opinion-Debatt), March 16, 2007. Together with Anna Runesson.
- “Felaktig bild av Jesusforskning” (“Flawed Description of Historical Jesus Research”). Svensk kyrkotidning 104:7 (2008) 73-74.
- “Kan kyrkan definieras utan Kristus?” (Can the Church be Defined Without Christ?”). Dagen (Opinion-Debatt), August 14, 2009. Together with Anna Runesson.
- "Frågan om omskärelse måste behandlas varsamt" (The Question of Circumcision must be Treated with Care). Kyrkans Tidning (Opinion-Debatt), January 3, 2012.